My Scratch Stuff

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Question #1 What is the difference between and if and and if-else statement?
If you have an if statement alone, it will run a certain piece of code if the condition is triggered. Otherwise, it will just skip the code altogether. If you have and if-else statement, it will run one piece of code if the condition is triggered and otherwise it will run a different piece of code. It will never skip that section entirely.

Question #2 Is there a simpler way to write the following code? Explain.
Write the code in a if-then statement and get rid if then-else

Question #3 Which students are described by the following conditional?
Freshmen, sophomores and juniors on the soccer team or people not in the band.

Question #4 If the statement from Question 3 is changed as shown below, who else is included in the condition?
Freshmen, sophomores and juniors, people on the soccer team or people in the band.

Question #5 Write the condition for a number being a multiple of 15. (hint: look at the block).
If the condition is 1 and 15 or 3 and 5 then its a multiple of 15. (hint: look at the block).